《Be Our Guest》

Ticket Order and Donation Form
日期及時間Date & Time: 3 July 2022 (Sun), 8:00pm
地點 Venue: 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
Original Ticket Price
Standard Price Discount
Special Discount
A 200 200/ 160/ HK$
B 0 0/ 0/ HK$
C 0 0/ 0/ HK$
D 0 0/ 0/ HK$
小計 Sub Total: HK$
捐款 Donation (音樂教育贊助計劃 Music Education Sponsorship Scheme)
贊助門票 Sponsored tickets
其他金額 Other Amount    HK$
總計 Grand Total: HK$
透過支持「傑出學生獎學金」計劃,讓 MYO 能提供獎學金予經濟能力有限、而又表現卓越的學生,讓他們能繼續參與樂團的排練及演出,接受嚴謹專業的音樂訓練,培養香港卓越的音樂人才。
In supporting the scholarship to outstanding students, you could help the students with financial difficulties yet outstanding to continue their study with the MYO. Your donation will give valuable opportunities to those talented students in need to receive professional music training, as well as help nurturing Hong Kong’s outstanding musicians.

捐款港幣$100或以上獲發收據作扣稅用途。Donations over HK$ 100 are tax deductible with receipt.

聯絡資料 Contacts

信用卡付款 Credit Card Payment

捐款港幣$100或以上獲發收據作扣稅用途。Donations over HK$ 100 are tax deductible with receipt.
No receipt will be issued if either donor’s name or address is not provided.
One person per ticket regardless of age, subject to age limit specified for each event.

Internal discount is available for purchasing concert tickets at this website, yet there is now seats selection service.

Internet booking accepts payment by credit cards (VISA or MASTERCARD)

Tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

香港青少年管弦協會有限公司(本會) 並不負責任何因郵遞延誤而引致的損失。
My Orchestra Society Limited (MYOHK) shall not be responsible for any loss caused by delay in postal delivery of tickets.

MYOHK will not be responsible for any lost ticket due to the provision of invalid or inaccurate mailing addresses by customers. In case of lost tickets during the mailing process, customer should report to the police and contact MYOHK at least 3 working days before the show date. MYOHK shall issue a "Non-delivery of ticket" letter with customer's name, HKID no., and the police loss report reference number to the customer. The customer is required to bring along the said letter for admission to the performance, whereas the admission of which is subject to the absolute discretion of the venue management.

Some events have age restriction. Ticket-holder may be refused admission by the venue management for non-compliance. Customers should check the age restriction before purchase. The age restriction is also clearly printed on each ticket.

優惠票 (包括但不局限於60歲或以上的高齡人士、殘疾人士和全日制學生優惠票) 持有人必須在入場時出示認可的身份證明文件。個別須於購票時出示證明的優惠票,主辦者可能只在票房購票時提供。
Concessionary ticket-holders, including but not limited to concessionary tickets for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and full-time students, will be admitted only on production of acceptable proof of identity. Some ticket discounts that require the display of proof of eligibility at purchase may only be offered for counter sale by presenters.

A ticket-holder may be refused admission if any details on the ticket have been omitted or altered or if the ticket is damaged, defaced, or otherwise mutilated.

活動籌辦 / 主辦機構有權增減或更換藝人及 / 或更改已公佈的節目、座位編排及容納觀眾的數目。
The organizer/presenter of the event reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes, seating arrangements and audience capacity.

The management of the venue where the event takes place reserves the right to refuse admission by any late-comers to the event. The management also reserves the right to determine the time at which and the manner in which late-comers are to be admitted.

The information collected by MYO will be kept strictly confidential. Information collected will be used for communication, issuing receipt, recruitment and promotion purpose only. 2015/MYO